ICT 기술과 해운과 의료 전문성의 융합을 통해 해양산업 종사자의 행복과 건강을 증진합니다.
"Through the integration of ICT technology with expertise in maritime and healthcare, we enhance the happiness and health of maritime industry professionals."
의약품 토탈 서비스, 비대면 의료 서비스를 포함한 해양특화형 보건 시스템 VMS, 선박용 의료키트 등 해양산업 종사자의 건강과 미래를 책임질 기술을 개발하고, 제품을 만들어갑니다.
"We are developing technology that takes responsibility for the health and future of maritime industry professionals, including a specialized healthcare system VMS encompassing total pharmaceutical services and Telemedicine, as well as medical kits for ships. We are committed to creating and delivering products to support the well-being of maritime industry professionals."